
Maximising your Sleep

Falling asleep may seem like an impossible dream when you’re awake at 3 a.m., but good sleep is more under your control than you might think. Following healthy sleep habits can make the difference between restlessness and restful slumber.

Written by
Georgina Grimble
March 15, 2022

Researchers have identified a variety of practices and habits

This is known as “sleep hygiene"—that can help anyone maximize the hours they spend sleeping, even those whose sleep is affected by  jet lag, or shift work.Sleep hygiene may sound unimaginative, but it just may be the best way to get the sleep you need in this 24/7 age. Here are some simple tips for making the sleep of your dreams a nightly reality:

Switch on your phone night light

As natural light fades in the evening, the body releasesmelatonin, a hormone that induces drowsiness. In themorning the sun rises and the body releases thehormone known as cortisol that promotes alertness.Artificial light can skew this process To avoid this makesure you have night light set on all your electronicdevices.

Don't consume coffee late in the day

Caffeine blocks a hormone called adenosine frombinding to receptors within the brain, this hormonemakes you feel tired and aids with sleep. Therefore,caffeine can inhibit this and disrupt our circadianrhythm, Caffeine has a half life of 6 hours! Therefore, itis advised to avoid coffee after 2-3 pm in order to gainthe best quality sleep.

Practice Mindfulness

Sometimes we find it hard to shut off from work, familyand even social media. Practising simple breathingtechniques or simply lying still before bed and clearingthe mind and focusing on our breathing can aid oursleep. If you need help with this, mindfulness andbreathing technique soundbites are provided to all ourmembers.

Keep your room cool

As you wind down in the evening your bodytemperature cools to allow you to move intoyour cycle of sleep, keeping your room cool willalso aid in this transition into sleep.